
RabbitMQ Peatio Event API

#Overview of RabbitMQ details

Peatio submits all events into three exchanges depending on event category (read next).

The exchange name consists of three parts:

1) application name, like peatio, barong.

2) fixed keyword events.

3) category of event, like system (generic system event), model (the attributes of some record were updated), market (trading events).

The routing key looks like deposit.updated, btcusd.new_order. The event name matches the routing key but with event category appended at the beginning, like model.deposit.updated, market.btcusd.new_order.

#Overview of RabbitMQ message

Each produced message in Event API is JWT (complete format).

This is very similar to Management API.

The example below demonstrates both generation and verification of JWT:

require "jwt-multisig"
require "securerandom"

jwt_payload = {
  iss:   "peatio",
  jti:   SecureRandom.uuid,
  iat:   Time.now.to_i,
  exp:   Time.now.to_i + 60,
  event: {}

require "openssl"
private_key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.generate(2048)
public_key  = private_key.public_key

generated_jwt = JWT::Multisig.generate_jwt(jwt_payload, { peatio: private_key }, { peatio: "RS256" })

Kernel.puts "GENERATED JWT", generated_jwt.to_json, "\n"

verification_result = JWT::Multisig.verify_jwt generated_jwt.deep_stringify_keys, \
  { peatio: public_key }, { verify_iss: true, iss: "peatio", verify_jti: true }

decoded_jwt_payload = verification_result[:payload]

Kernel.puts "MATCH AFTER VERIFICATION: #{jwt_payload == decoded_jwt_payload}."

The RabbitMQ message is stored in JWT field called event.

#Overview of Event API message

The typical event looks like (JSON):

event: {
  name: "model.deposit.updated",
  foo:  "...",
  bar:  "...",
  qux:  "..."

The field event[:name] contains event name (same as routing key). The fields foo, bar, qux (just for example) are fields which carry useful information.

#Format of model.deposit.created event

event: {
  name: "model.deposit.created",
  record: {
    tid:                      "TID9493F6CD41",
    user: {
      uid:                    "ID092B2AF8E87",
      email:                  "john@doe.com"
    uid:                      "ID092B2AF8E87",
    currency:                 "btc",
    amount:                   "0.0855",
    state:                    "submitted",
    created_at:               "2018-04-12T17:16:06+03:00",
    updated_at:               "2018-04-12T17:16:06+03:00",
    completed_at:             nil,
    blockchain_address:       "n1Ytj6Hy57YpfueA2vtmnwJQs583bpYn7W",
    blockchain_txid:          "c37ae1677c4c989dbde9ac22be1f3ff3ac67ed24732a9fa8c9258fdff0232d72",
    blockchain_confirmations: 1
recordThe up-to-date deposit attributes.

#Format of model.deposit.updated event

event: {
  name: "model.deposit.updated",
  record: {
    tid:                      "TID9493F6CD41",
    user: {
      uid:                    "ID092B2AF8E87",
      email:                  "john@doe.com"
    uid:                      "ID092B2AF8E87",
    currency:                 "btc",
    amount:                   "0.0855",
    state:                    "accepted",
    created_at:               "2018-04-12T17:16:06+03:00",
    updated_at:               "2018-04-12T18:46:57+03:00",
    completed_at:             "2018-04-12T18:46:57+03:00",
    blockchain_address:       "n1Ytj6Hy57YpfueA2vtmnwJQs583bpYn7W",
    blockchain_txid:          "c37ae1677c4c989dbde9ac22be1f3ff3ac67ed24732a9fa8c9258fdff0232d72",
    blockchain_confirmations: 7
  changes: {
    state:                    "submitted",
    completed_at:             nil,
    blockchain_confirmations: 1,
    updated_at:               "2018-04-12T17:16:06+03:00"
recordThe up-to-date deposit attributes.
changesThe changed deposit attributes and their values.

#Format of model.withdraw.created event

event: {
  name: "model.withdraw.created",
  record: {
    tid:             "TID892F29F094",
    user: {
      uid:           "ID092B2AF8E87",
      email:         "john@doe.com"
    uid:             "ID092B2AF8E87",
    rid:             "0xdA35deE8EDDeAA556e4c26268463e26FB91ff74f",
    currency:        "eth",
    amount:          "4.5485",
    fee:             "0.0015",
    state:           "prepared",
    created_at:      "2018-04-12T18:52:16+03:00",
    updated_at:      "2018-04-12T18:52:16+03:00",
    completed_at:    nil,
    blockchain_txid: nil
recordThe up-to-date withdraw attributes.

#Format of model.withdraw.updated event

event: {
  name: "model.withdraw.updated",
  record: {
    tid:             "TID892F29F094",
    user: {
      uid:           "ID092B2AF8E87",
      email:         "john@doe.com"
    uid:             "ID092B2AF8E87",
    rid:             "0xdA35deE8EDDeAA556e4c26268463e26FB91ff74f",
    currency:        "eth",
    amount:          "4.5485",
    fee:             "0.0015",
    state:           "succeed",
    created_at:      "2018-04-12T18:52:16+03:00",
    updated_at:      "2018-04-12T18:56:23+03:00",
    completed_at:    "2018-04-12T18:56:23+03:00",
    blockchain_txid: "0x9c34d1750e225a95938f9884e857ab6f55eedda43b159d13abf773fe6a916164"
  changes: {
    state:           "processing",
    updated_at:      "2018-04-12T18:55:39+03:00",
    completed_at:    "2018-04-12T18:55:39+03:00",
    blockchain_txid: nil
recordThe up-to-date withdraw attributes.
changesThe changed withdraw attributes and their values.

#Format of model.account.created event

event: {
  name: "model.account.created",
  record: {
    id:                      "1",
    member_id:               "2",
    currency_id:             "btc",
    balance:                 "0",
    locked:                  "0",
    created_at:               "2018-04-12T17:16:06+03:00",
    updated_at:               "2018-04-12T17:16:06+03:00",
recordThe up-to-date account attributes.

#Format of model.account.updated event

event: {
  name: "model.account.updated",
  record: {
    id:                      "1",
    member_id:               "2",
    currency_id:             "btc",
    balance:                 "1",
    locked:                  "0",
    created_at:               "2018-04-12T17:16:06+03:00",
    updated_at:               "2018-04-12T17:17:06+03:00",
  changes: {
    balance:                  "0",
    updated_at:               "2018-04-12T17:16:06+03:00"
recordThe up-to-date account attributes.
changesThe changed account attributes and their values.

#Format of system.low_hot_wallet_balance event

event: {
  name:     "system.system.low_hot_wallet_balance",
  currency: "btc",
  balance:  "2.82480099"
currencyThe currency code.
balanceThe up-to-date balance.

#Format of market.btcusd.order_created event

Buy 14 BTC for 0.42 USD (0.03 USD per BTC).

event: {
  name:                   "market.btcusd.order_created",
  market:                 "btcusd",
  type:                   "buy",
  trader_uid:             "ID022H2NF6E87",
  income_unit:            "btc",
  income_fee_type:        "relative",
  income_fee_value:       "0.0015",
  outcome_unit:           "usd",
  outcome_fee_type:       "relative",
  outcome_fee_value:      "0.0",
  initial_income_amount:  "14.0",
  current_income_amount:  "14.0",
  initial_outcome_amount: "0.42",
  current_outcome_amount: "0.42",
  strategy:               "limit",
  price:                  "0.03",
  state:                  "open",
  trades_count:           0,
  created_at:             "2018-05-07T02:12:28Z"

#Format of market.btcusd.order_updated event

Sell 100 BTC for 3 USD (0.03 USD per BTC).

event: {
  name:                    "market.btcusd.order_updated",
  market:                  "btcusd",
  type:                    "sell",
  trader_uid:              "ID092B2AF8E87",
  income_unit:             "usd",
  income_fee_type:         "relative",
  income_fee_value:        "0.0015",
  outcome_unit:            "btc",
  outcome_fee_type:        "relative",
  outcome_fee_value:       "0.0",
  initial_income_amount:   "3.0",
  current_income_amount:   "2.4",
  previous_income_amount:  "3.0",
  initial_outcome_amount:  "100.0",
  current_outcome_amount:  "80.0",
  previous_outcome_amount: "100.0",
  strategy:                "limit",
  price:                   "0.03",
  state:                   "open",
  trades_count:            1,
  created_at:              "2018-05-07T02:12:28Z",
  updated_at:              "2018-05-08T10:13:13Z"

#Format of market.btcusd.order_canceled event

Sell 100 BTC for 3 USD (0.03 USD per BTC).

event: {
  name:                    "market.btcusd.order_canceled",
  market:                  "btcusd",
  type:                    "sell",
  trader_uid:              "ID092B2AF8E87",
  income_unit:             "usd",
  income_fee_type:         "relative",
  income_fee_value:        "0.0015",
  outcome_unit:            "btc",
  outcome_fee_type:        "relative",
  outcome_fee_value:       "0.0",
  initial_income_amount:   "3.0",
  current_income_amount:   "3.0",
  initial_outcome_amount:  "100.0",
  current_outcome_amount:  "100.0",
  strategy:                "limit",
  price:                   "0.03",
  state:                   "canceled",
  trades_count:            0,
  created_at:              "2018-05-07T02:12:28Z",
  canceled_at:             "2018-05-08T10:13:13Z"

#Format of market.btcusd.order_completed event

Sell 100 BTC for 3 USD (0.03 USD per BTC).

event: {
  name:                    "market.btcusd.order_completed",
  market:                  "btcusd",
  type:                    "sell",
  trader_uid:              "ID092B2AF8E87",
  income_unit:             "usd",
  income_fee_type:         "relative",
  income_fee_value:        "0.0015",
  outcome_unit:            "btc",
  outcome_fee_type:        "relative",
  outcome_fee_value:       "0.0",
  initial_income_amount:   "3.0",
  current_income_amount:   "0.0",
  previous_income_amount:  "3.0",
  initial_outcome_amount:  "100.0",
  current_outcome_amount:  "0.0",
  previous_outcome_amount: "100.0",
  strategy:                "limit",
  price:                   "0.03",
  state:                   "completed",
  trades_count:            1,
  created_at:              "2018-05-07T02:12:28Z",
  completed_at:            "2018-05-07T17:32:09Z"

#Format of market.btcusd.trade_completed event

event: {
  name:                  "market.btcusd.trade_completed",
  market:                "btcusd",
  price:                 "0.03",
  buyer_uid:             "ID022H2NF6E87",
  buyer_income_unit:     "btc",
  buyer_income_amount:   "14",
  buyer_income_fee:      "0.021",
  buyer_outcome_unit:    "usd",
  buyer_outcome_amount:  "0.42",
  buyer_outcome_fee:     "0.0",
  seller_uid:            "ID092B2AF8E87",
  seller_income_unit:    "usd",
  seller_income_amount:  "0.42",
  seller_income_fee:     "0.00063",
  seller_outcome_unit:   "btc",
  seller_outcome_amount: "14.0",
  seller_outcome_fee:    "0.0",
  completed_at:          "2018-05-07T17:32:09Z"

#Producing events using Ruby

require "bunny"

def generate_jwt(jwt_payload)
  Kernel.abort "Please, see «Overview of RabbitMQ message» for implementation guide."

Bunny.run host: "localhost", port: 5672, username: "guest", password: "guest" do |session|
  channel     = session.channel
  exchange    = channel.direct("peatio.events.model")
  jwt_payload = {
    iss:   "peatio",
    jti:   SecureRandom.uuid,
    iat:   Time.now.to_i,
    exp:   Time.now.to_i + 60,
    event: {
      name: "model.deposit.created",
      record: {
        tid:                      "TID9493F6CD41",
        user: {
          uid: "ID092B2AF8E87",
          email: "john@doe.com"
        uid:                      "ID092B2AF8E87",
        currency:                 "btc",
        amount:                   "0.0855",
        state:                    "submitted",
        created_at:               "2018-04-12T17:16:06+03:00",
        updated_at:               "2018-04-12T17:16:06+03:00",
        completed_at:             nil,
        blockchain_address:       "n1Ytj6Hy57YpfueA2vtmnwJQs583bpYn7W",
        blockchain_txid:          "c37ae1677c4c989dbde9ac22be1f3ff3ac67ed24732a9fa8c9258fdff0232d72",
        blockchain_confirmations: 1
  exchange.publish(generate_jwt(jwt_payload), routing_key: "deposit.created")

IMPORTANT: Don't forget to implement the logic for JWT exception handling!

#Producing events using rabbitmqadmin

rabbitmqadmin publish routing_key=deposit.created payload=JWT exchange=peatio.events.model

Don't forget to pass environment variable JWT.

#Consuming events using Ruby

require "bunny"

def verify_jwt(jwt_payload)
  Kernel.abort "Please, see «Overview of RabbitMQ message» for implementation guide."

Bunny.run host: "localhost", port: 5672, username: "guest", password: "guest" do |session|
  channel  = session.channel
  exchange = channel.direct("peatio.events.model")
  queue    = channel.queue("", auto_delete: true, durable: true, exclusive: true)
                    .bind(exchange, routing_key: "deposit.updated")
  queue.subscribe manual_ack: true, block: true do |delivery_info, metadata, payload|
    Kernel.puts verify_jwt(JSON.parse(payload)).fetch(:event)
  rescue => e
    channel.nack(delivery_info.delivery_tag, false, true)

IMPORTANT: Don't forget to implement the logic for JWT exception handling!