git clone
Make sure you have ruby and ruby-gem package manager installed on you machine.
$ ruby --version
ruby 2.6.3p62 (2019-04-16 revision 67580) [x86_64-linux]
$ gem --version
$ bundler --version
Bundler version 1.17.3
If ruby or gem is missing please refer to your OS documentation to install them (or install them using RVM).
If bundler is missing you can install it by running:
gem install bundler
Finally install ranger dependencies:
bundle install
./bin/peatio security keygen
Make sure you have a local RabbitMQ server running, then run the following commands to start ranger.
export JWT_PUBLIC_KEY=$(<secrets/ | base64 -w0)
./bin/peatio service start ranger
wscat --connect "localhost:8081?stream=global.tickers&stream=eurusd.trades"
./bin/peatio inject peatio_events
After injecting messages you should see a public trade event in wscat output.
In a ruby console (irb) run the following commands to generate a 10 hours valid JWT:
require "openssl"
require "jwt"
secret_key ="secrets/rsa-key"))
jwt_algo = "RS256"
payload = {
"exp": + 36000, # Expires in ten hours
"sub": 'session',
"iss": 'barong',
"aud": [ 'peatio', 'barong' ],
"jti": '1111111111',
"uid": 'IDABC0000001',
"email": '[email protected]',
"role": 'admin',
"level": 3,
"state": 'active',
"referral_id": nil
puts JWT.encode(payload, secret_key, jwt_algo)
Then, store the output JWT in a shell variable and connect to ranger:
wscat -H "authorization: Bearer ${JWT}" --connect "localhost:8081?stream=global.tickers&stream=order&stream=trade"
./bin/peatio inject peatio_events
After injecting messages you should see a private order and trade event in wscat output.