


First version of restrictions appeared in 2.3 as simple blacklist feature, by IP in several scopes (by country, by continent, by ip_subnet and by ip).

Starting from latest 2.4 restrictions will act as system of traffic control. New fields added to restrictions table - category, code, and new available value for scope - all

Main points:

Every request to the server will be validated (both public and private APIs, but not management one ). Request IP will match with existing restrictions and a first found rule will be applayed. category - one of whitelist, maintenance, blacklist, blocklogin.

The order of matching IP with existing rules is strict and cant be changed:

  1. Whitelist ( all -> ip -> ip_subnet -> country -> continent )
  2. Maintenance ( all -> ip -> ip_subnet -> country -> continent )
  3. Blacklist ( all -> ip -> ip_subnet -> country -> continent )
  4. Blocklogin ( all -> ip -> ip_subnet -> country -> continent )

Whitelist - rule, that marks IP as trusted, as IP that can have an access to the server APIs Maintenance - when enabled, will return an error - 471 (by default) to any request to server in a range of rules scope (Typically, should be used with all and in maintenance platform purposes) Blacklist - when enabled, will return an error - code, which can be customized by the rule. Code can be different for different scopes, and can be used to display different error or kind alert of UI. Default code for errors { continent: 423, country: 423, ip_subnet: 403, ip: 401, all: 401 } Blocklogin - acts as Blacklist, but applies only on sessions endpoint.

How to configure

Restrictions can be:

  1. Seeded via seed feature. Just put restrictions in format of - { category: whitelist, scope: country, value: UA, state: disabled } in seed.yml under restrictions: module
  2. Can be added by admin via api/v2/barong/admin/restrictions, requires :scope, requires :value, requires :category, optional :state, default: 'enabled', optional :code
  3. Can be added automatically (whitelist category) via whitelink feature

In order to make the process of whitelisting IPs easier starting from latest 2.4 admin can create a whitelink_token via api/v2/barong/admin/restrictions/whitelink. Created token can be sent to api/v2/barong/identity/users/access and if it is valid (every token has expiry time, which is 1 day by default) and it will automatically create a whitelist restriction with current request IP. Note: api/v2/barong/identity/users/access API available to call even if all other platform traffic is under blacklist or maintenance

Restrictions Usage

Combining whitelist, maintenance and blacklist rules can help in controlling platform traffic, maintaining platform, developing custom cases and complex UI structure.

Several usecases:
Maintenance - rules:

category: 'maintenance', scope: 'all', value: 'all', state: 'enabled', code: 471 category: 'whitelist', scope: 'ip_subnet', value: '#{dev_team_office_ip}', state: 'enabled'

In this case all users, that will try to access any API of the platform will get a responce with status 471 and body authz.restrict.maintenance. In this case frontend can show a maintenance page for users, so they will understand that platform is under service right now. Meanwhile, all requests from #{dev_team_office_ip} (as they are whitelisted) will still reach server and can test the update / validate any bug found, etc.

Blacklisting - rules:

category: 'blacklist', scope: 'country', value: 'US', state: 'enabled', code: 455 category: 'blacklist', scope: 'continent', value: 'NA', state: 'enabled', code: 456 category: 'whitelist', scope: 'ip', value: '#{investor_ip}', state: 'enabled'

In this case all users from North America, that will try to access any API of the platform will get a responce with status 456 and body authz.restrict.blacklist. In this case frontend can show a page for users, so they will understand that they cant yet reach this platform from their current location, but it will come soon. All users from USA will have a different code - 455, so UI can show the page, which will indicates, that platform is banned for USA residents and cant be reached from this country. Meanwhile, in testing and business purpose you can whitelist one concrete or subset of IPs, for you investors, for lawyers or any demo, using whitelist rule.