
Using Postmaster

This guide explains the basics of using postmaster to manage events from rubykube Event API.

Nowadays postmaster support two components, that produce events

Read more about peatio Event API here.

Read more about barong Event API here.


An Event is a message produced to message broker in RFC7515.

Usually, events have the following structure

  "payload": "string",
  "signatures": [
      "header": {

An Expression gives you the ability to apply additional event matching.

#Deep dive

By specification defined in RFC7515 we can build a JSON Web Token.

After parsing of prebuild JWT, you will receive this payload with this structure.

  "iss": "string",
  "jti": "string",
  "iat": 1567777420,
  "exp": 1567777480,
  "event": {
    "record": {
      "user": {
        "uid": "string",
        "email": "string",
      "language": "string",
    "name": "string"

Note: All events should be properly signed using RS256 private key.

Postmaster validates the signature of each upcoming event.

Further, we will see that postmaster user can work with this payload directly.

  "record": {
    "user": {
      "uid": "UID12345678",
      "email": "[email protected]"
    "language": "EN"
  "changes": {},
  "name": "string"


When core model updates, the provider sends an event with routing key <model>.updated, but sometimes you need to apply additional event matching, in this case, you may want to use expression.

The expression is evaluated by the postmaster when it receives an event.

In expression there two fields you can access: record and changes.

Note: Your expression should always return boolean!


- name: Withdrawal Succeed
  key: withdraw.updated
  exchange: peatio
  expression: changes.state in ["errored", "confirming"] && record.state == "succeed"
      subject: Withdrawal Succeed
      template_path: templates/en/withdraw_succeed.tpl

For details about experssion language read documentation.


All languages, that will be used in the application, should be defined using languages field.

- code: EN
  name: English
- code: RU
  name: Russian

Each Event API provider uses own AMQP exchange and algorithm to sign payload.

    name: barong.events.system
    signer: peatio
    name: peatio.events.model
    signer: peatio

Using keychain algorithms and defined public keys for each provider postmaster will validate the data.

    algorithm: RS256
    value: "public_key"
    algorithm: RS256
    value: "public_key"

In events you may define any event type from Event API providers and prepare email template for it.

- name: Email Confirmation
  key: user.email.confirmation.token
  exchange: barong
      subject: Registration Confirmation
      template: Hello, {{ .record.user.email }}!
      subject: Подтверждение Регистрации
      template_path: templates/ru/email_confirmation.tpl

For templates you can use either mount templates directly to container and template_path or use template.



Build the binary

go build ./cmd/postmaster/postmaster.go

Start your postmaster



XX:XXAM INF waiting for events
XX:XXAM INF successfully connected to amqp://xxxxx:xxxxx@localhost:5672/


Use official docker image for postmaster quay.io/openware/postmaster, which is automatically built on each commit in the master branch.

docker run quay.io/openware/postmaster --name=postmaster