Peatio has 3 main dependencies:
If you don't have them installed yet, you can check our helm charts repo.
All the configuration goes in config/charts/peatio/values.yaml
. It has many helpful comments, but in this section we have more details about each config option.
Name | Default Value | Description |
replicaCount | 1 | Number of pod's replicas |
image.repository | "rubykube/peatio" | Image repo |
image.tag | "0.2.2" | Image version |
image.pullPolicy | "IfNotPresent" | Image pull polucy | | "peatio" | Service name |
service.type | "ClusterIP" | Service type |
service.externalPort | 8080 | Service external port |
service.internalPort | 8080 | Service internal port |
ingress.enabled | false | Enable or disable the ingress |
ingress.hosts | ["peatio.local"] | The virtual hosts names |
ingress.annotations | see values.yaml | Ingress annotations |
ingress.tls.secretName | "peatio-tls" | TLS secret name |
ingress.tls.hosts | ["peatio.local"] | TLS virtual hosts names |
resources.limits.cpu | "100m" | CPU resource requests |
resources.limits.memory | "128Mi" | Memory resource limits |
resources.limits.cpu | "100m" | CPU resource requests |
resources.limits.memory | "128Mi" | Memory resource requests |
peatio.env | see application.yml | Peatio environment config | | "%current-release%-db" | Your MySQL host |
db.user | "root" | MySQL user |
db.password | nil | MySQL password | | "%current-release%-redis" | Your Redis host |
redis.password | nil | Redis password | | "%current-release%-rabbitmq" | Your RabbitMQ host |
rabbitmq.port | 5672 | RabbitMQ port |
rabbitmq.username | nil | RabbitMQ username |
rabbitmq.password | nil | RabbitMQ password |
This one is simple:
helm install config/peatio/charts
If you want use helm package
and external values file, try this:
$ helm package
Successfully packaged chart and saved it to: peatio-0.1.0.tgz
$ helm install peatio-0.1.0.tgz -f path/to/your/values.yaml
NAME: random-name
That's all you need to deploy peatio on kubernetes.
If you got any trouble with this deployment, please open an issue. If you want external devops support with peatio, contact [email protected].