
Openware HDWallet plugin - BSC

This peatio plugin is using the openware HDWallet microservice to generate users wallets, sign and broadcast transactions.

This plugin with Openware HDWallet supports BNB native currency and BEP20 tokens on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) blockchain.

#Blockchain configuration

Testnet configuration

NameBSC Testnet
Min confirmations1
Explorer addresshttps://testnet.bscscan.com/address/#{address}
Explorer transactionhttps://testnet.bscscan.com/tx/#{txid}

Mainnet configuration

NameBSC Mainnet
Explorer addresshttps://bscscan.com/address/#{address}
Explorer transactionhttps://bscscan.com/tx/#{txid}
Min confirmations12

#Currencies configuration

You need to configure at least the BNB currency which is the native token of BSC blockchain, then you can configure any BEP20 token.

To configure a BEP20 token, add the property bep20_contract_address to the currency with the smart contract address.

Here is a list of popular BEP20 tokens on testnet and mainnet:

Currency IDbep20_contract_address (Testnet)bep20_contract_address (Mainnet)Base factorMin deposit amount

#Wallets configuration

Wallets can be configured through Tower in Settings > Wallets section.

Deposit wallet

NameBNB/BEP20 Deposit WalletName of the wallet
StatusActiveEnable the wallet
Blockchain keybsc-mainnetBlockchain key configured before (bsc-testnet for testnet)
Gateway Clienthttps://bsc-dataseed.binance.org/RPC REST of blockchain node (https://data-seed-prebsc-1-s1.binance.org:8545/ for testnet)
Address-The address of the deposit wallet is not used for BSC blockchain, you can set anything.
KinddepositConfigure this wallet as a deposit wallet.
Maximum balance0.0Unused for deposit wallets.
URI (in properties)https://hdwallet/api/v2/hdwalletURL of the openware HDWallet microservice

Example from the console:

  blockchain_key: "bsc-mainnet",
  name: "BNB/BEP20 Deposit Wallet",
  address: "-",
  gateway: "ow-hdwallet-bsc",
  kind: "deposit",
  settings: {uri: "https://hdwallet/api/v2/hdwallet", gateway_url: "https://bsc-dataseed.binance.org/"},
  max_balance: 0,
  status: "active"

Hot wallet

NameBNB/BEP20 Hot Wallet
StatusActiveEnable the wallet
Blockchain keybsc-mainnetBlockchain key configured before (bsc-testnet* for testnet)
Gateway Clienthttps://bsc-dataseed.binance.org/RPC REST of blockchain node (https://data-seed-prebsc-1-s1.binance.org:8545/ for testnet)
AddressLeave the address empty for peatio to generate it automatically.
KindhotConfigure this wallet as a hot wallet.
Maximum balance10000Once this amount reached, deposits will be collected to warm and cold wallets.
URI (in properties)https://hdwallet/api/v2/hdwalletURL of the openware HDWallet microservice

Example from the console:

  blockchain_key: "bsc-mainnet",
  name: "BNB/BEP20 Hot Wallet",
  address: "",
  gateway: "ow-hdwallet-bsc",
  kind: "hot",
  settings: {uri: "https://hdwallet/api/v2/hdwallet", gateway_url: "https://bsc-dataseed.binance.org/"},
  max_balance: 10000,
  status: "active"

Fee wallet

NameBNB/BEP20 Fee Wallet
StatusActiveEnable the wallet
Blockchain keybsc-mainnetBlockchain key configured before (bsc-testnet* for testnet)
Gateway Clienthttps://bsc-dataseed.binance.org/RPC REST of blockchain node (https://data-seed-prebsc-1-s1.binance.org:8545/ for testnet)
AddressLeave the address empty for peatio to generate it automatically.
KindfeeConfigure this wallet as a hot wallet.
Maximum balance
URI (in properties)https://hdwallet/api/v2/hdwalletURL of the openware HDWallet microservice

Example from the console:

  blockchain_key: "bsc-mainnet",
  name: "BNB/BEP20 Fee Wallet",
  address: "",
  gateway: "ow-hdwallet-bsc",
  kind: "hot",
  settings: {uri: "https://hdwallet/api/v2/hdwallet", gateway_url: "https://bsc-dataseed.binance.org/"},
  max_balance: 10000,
  status: "active"