This document aims to cover the OpenWare Platform EXchange (OPEX) installation and administration.
Please install the following tools and read the documentations before starting.
Please make sure to use Terraform 0.11 due to breaking changes in version 0.12
Google Cloud SDK
Enable all the necessary Google Cloud Platform APIs:
$ sudo apt-get install ruby-full
$ sudo yum install ruby
Make sure you have a fresh Ruby version installed and run:
$ gem install kite
Create a new kite project using:
$ kite new PROJECT_NAME
Make sure to delete GCP block if you will be using AWS or vice versa
Please note that regions and zones differ for AWS and GCP
default: &default
# Note that region formats differ between AWS, GCP and AliCloud
region: "europe-west4" # always change this for AWS
zone: "europe-west4-c" # always change this for AWS
gcp: # delete this block if you're using AWS
project: "helios-devel"
service_account: "~/safe/helios-devel.json" # if you want to use OPEX workspace this file should be located in the root of the kite project
bucket_name: "kite-state-helios-devel"
aws: # delete this block if you're using GCP
access_key: "********************" # make sure to put credentials here
secret_key: "********************" # make sure to put credentials here
bucket_name: "kite-state-helios-devel"
Kite environments are separated workspaces with their own credentials, variables and modules.
Generate an environment
$ kite generate environment *env_name* --provider=aws|gcp
If you want to change the credentials for an environment, edit config/cloud.yml
and regenerate environment with the same command.
Now the environment should be generated at config/environments/*env_name*
To add a Kite module to your environment, you should first fetch them:
kite mod fetch https://url.for/your/module --env *env_name*
This should clone module's source files into modules/*module_name*
Then you need to render modules:
kite mod vars https://url.for/your/module --env *env_name*
This will create a vars.*module_name*.yml
file with all variables needed by the module. If you add kite-opex modules your default configuration will look similar to this:
# Infrastructure configuration(ignore when using baremetal)
min_nodes: '3'
max_nodes: '6'
cluster_name: test
cloudsql_tier: db-f1-micro
k8s_ha: 'false'
kubernetes_version: 1.9.7-gke.0
cryptonode_network: "default" # Configuration for cryptonodes deployment
cryptonode_machine_type: "n1-standard-2"
cryptonode_deletion_protection: false
cryptonode_disk_auto_delete: true
ethereum_image: "geth" # This configuration is used when deploying cryptonodes
bitcoind_image: "bitcoind" # with Packer.
bitcoincash_image: "bitcoincash"
litecoind_image: "litecoind"
dashd_image: "dashd"
rbac: true
profile: standard # small, standard and large available
email: [email protected]
load_balancer_ip: ''
# Sendgrid configuration
sender_name: "Kayen Admin"
host: ""
port: "2525"
user: "apikey"
password: "*smtp_password*"
# Bitgo proxy configuration
enabled: true
environment: test
# Change tags if you want to use different imgaes
redis: 1.0.2
rabbitmq: 0.8.1
gcloud-sqlproxy: 0.3.3
kube-lego: 0.4.0
nginx-ingress: 0.14.1
peatio: 0.1.1
barong: 0.2.3
vault: 0.12.0
enterprise-front: 0.1.1
barong: 2.0.4-alpha
coinhub: 0.2.4
peatio: 2.0.2-alpha
vault: 0.10.1
titleMarkets: KAYEN
blockchain: 1
global_state: 1
k: 1
payment_transaction: 1
withdraw_audit: 1
deposit_collection: 1
deposit_collection_fees: 1
deposit_coin_address: 1
slave_book: 1
market_ticker: 1
matching: 1
order_processor: 1
pusher_market: 1
pusher_member: 1
trade_executor: 1
withdraw_coin: 1
admin: [email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected]
# Here you can configure withdraw limits and fees
- code: usd
symbol: "$"
min_deposit_amount: 0
min_collection_amount: 0
withdraw_limit_24h: 100
withdraw_limit_72h: 200
deposit_fee: 0
withdraw_fee: 0
- code: btc
symbol: "฿"
base_factor: 100000000
blockchain_key: btc-testnet
precision: 8
min_deposit_amount: 0
min_collection_amount: 0
withdraw_limit_24h: 100
withdraw_limit_72h: 200
deposit_fee: 0
withdraw_fee: 0
- base:
code: btc
precision: 8
code: usd
precision: 8
# Change this to use custom frontend
enabled: true
tag: latest
# Change this to use custom trading-ui
enabled: false
tag: latest
# Change this to configure twilio
account_sid: ACd944e3b2e1a4c5e37bfa8d9f11a245b6
auth_token: 694e60aff87c5d1a66c272a62f931aab
phone_number: "+18556312248"
# Change this to configure cryptonodes deployment
enabled: true # Set to false if you don't want it to be deployed
client: "geth" # Available options: geth, parity.
network: "rinkeby" # Available options: rinkeby, kovan, mainnet.
disk_size: "30"
hostname: ""
rpcport: "8545"
port: "30303"
whitelisted_ips: [""] # Set this to empty array [] to whitelist just cluster IP
enabled: true # Set to false if you don't want it to be deployed
network: "testnet"
disk_size: "30"
hostname: ""
rpcuser: "admin"
rpcpassword: "changeme"
rpcport: "18332"
port: "18333"
whitelisted_ips: [""] # Set this to empty array [] to whitelist just cluster IP
enabled: true # Set to false if you don't want it to be deployed
network: "testnet"
disk_size: "30"
hostname: ""
rpcuser: "admin"
rpcpassword: "changeme"
rpcport: "18332"
port: "18333"
whitelisted_ips: [""] # Set this to empty array [] to whitelist just cluster IP
enabled: true # Set to false if you don't want it to be deployed
network: "testnet"
disk_size: "30"
hostname: ""
rpcuser: "admin"
rpcpassword: "changeme"
rpcport: "19332"
port: "19335"
whitelisted_ips: [""]
enabled: true # Set to false if you don't want it to be deployed
network: "testnet" # set to mainnet, testnet or regtest
disk_size: "30"
hostname: ""
rpcuser: "admin"
rpcpassword: "changeme"
rpcport: "19998"
port: "19999"
whitelisted_ips: [""] # Set this to empty array [] to whitelist just cluster IP
# Change this to configure scout
enabled: false
key: changeme
logLevel: warn
env: production
Fill in vars.*module_name*.yml
with correct values and render the module:
Note: the profile
field determines the scale of your deployment, you can choose from small
, standard
and large
depending on your load expectations
kite mod render modules/*module_name* --env *env_name*
OPEX Workspace is a Docker image built from your local kite platform and tailor-made for all the deployment operations. It contains all the necessary tools and is ready to use out of the box.
To bring the workspace up and build it if needed, simply run the bin/
WARNING Please make sure that you service account json file is located in the root of your kite project, before building the docker image.
Also in config/cloud.yml
the path should be considering kite project root folder. e.g. google-sa.json
, instead of ~/safe/google-sa.json
The built image an be accessed by the opex-workspace:*env_name*-*version*
tag, which is generated using the VERSION
file in the root of the platform.
Note: if you'd like to use a baremetal environment as your infrastructure, follow this document
Set your default gcloud credentials using
gcloud auth application-default login
kite terraform apply --env *env_name*
To enable shell autocompletion for the OPEX Ruby binary, simply add:
source <($PWD/bin/opex complete *bash or zsh*)
to your bashrc
or zshrc
Apply Terraform configuration from the environment first
Set your default gcloud credentials using
gcloud auth application-default login
To bring up infrastructure with Helm, Ingress and Kube Lego
./bin/opex infra install all
You can also install components separately, to see available options, type:
./bin/opex infra install
If you want to use an existing platform created by your own you need to dump infrastructure information in the file config/environments/tf-outputs.yml
according to those specifications:
Key | Description |
cluster_name | Name of the Kubernetes cluster to use for the deployment |
generated_barong_user_password | Password for the peatio DB user |
generated_peatio_user_password | Password for the barong DB user |
instance_connection_name | Name of the CloudSQL connection |
instance_name | Name of the CloudSQL instance |
project | GCP project ID |
region | GCP region |
zone | GCP zone |
service_account_b64 | GCP Service Account key used for initial provisioning encoded in Base64 |
storage_sa_key_b64 | GCP Service Account key used for accessing GCS in Base64 |
cloudsql_sa_key_b64 | GCP Service Account key used for Cloud SQL interactions encoded in Base64 |
Here is an example of output format:
cluster_name: "test"
instance_connection_name: "helios-devel:europe-west4:master-1337"
Next you should deploy all the Peatio and Barong dependencies (Redis, RabbitMQ, SQL proxy, BitGo proxy, Bitcoind, Parity)
Most components have their respective configs files located at config/environments/*env_name*/
You can either edit vars.*module_name*.yml
file or edit a each file for a corresponding component respectively
Then install all components with the following command:
./bin/opex deps install all # This doesn't include Bitcoind and Parity
To check if everything is installed properly, run:
$ kubectl -n <deployment_id>-backend get pods
gcloud-sqlproxy-xxxxx-xxx 1/1 Running 0 1m
kube-lego-xxxxx-xxx 1/1 Running 0 1m
nginx-ingress-controller-xxxxx-xxx 1/1 Running 0 1m
nginx-ingress-default-backend-xxxxx-xxx 1/1 Running 0 1m
rabbitmq-xxxxx-xxx 1/1 Running 0 1m
redis-xxxxx-xxx 1/1 Running 0 1m
Main dependency of Barong is Vault, so first check if the Vault configuration in config/environments/*env_name*/vault.yml
is correct.
For a more detailed view on Vault usage and deployment , check its dedicated documentation.
Main dependency of Peatio is Cryptonodes, so first check if Cryptonodes configuration in config/environments/*env_name*/(bitcoind,parity).yml
is correct.
A more detailed instruction on cryptonodes deployment can be found here
In case you'd like to deploy the whole application stack(i.e. initial OPEX deployment), simply run ./bin/opex app install all
The following chapters will cover each application's configs, deployment and administration.
Configure your Barong deployment in config/environments/*env_name*/barong.yml
accountSid: "ACd944e3b2e1a4c5e37bfa8d9f11a245b6"
authToken: "694e60aff87c5d1a66c272a62f931aab"
phoneNumber: "+18556312248"
APP_NAME: "Kayen"
provider: "Google"
accessKey: "changeme"
secretKey: "changeme"
To generate bucket api key on GCP you need to access the console, browse the barong document storage bucket go to Settings > Interoperability > "Create a new key", you should have a screen similar to this one:
You can add seeds in this block
- email: "[email protected]"
password: "tdj8Zwrr"
role: "admin"
state: "active"
level: 3
- key: email
value: verified
description: "User clicked on the confirmation link"
- key: phone
value: verified
description: "User entered a valid code from sms"
- key: document
value: verified
description: "User personal documents have been verified"
Documentation for management api is available here
algorithm: RS256
value: *key*
- applogic
- applogic
Next, run:
./bin/opex app install barong
You can also grant an existing user admin privilliges (Barong admin will not be Peatio admin by default):
# Retrieve a barong pod name
$ kubectl get pods
# Run the rails console on Barong
$ kubectl exec -it BARONG_POD -- rails console
# Find the user
irb(main):001:0> admin = User.find_by(email: "[email protected]")
# Grant the user admin
irb(main):002:0> admin.update(role: 'admin')
# Validate email manually
irb(main):003:0> admin.update(confirmed_at:
irb(main):004:0> admin.level_set(:mail)
Each cryptocurrency needs to either use a BitGo wallet or an RPC node. To use a BitGo wallet in the system, follow these steps:
kubectl get nodes -o template --template='{% raw %}{{range.items}}{{range.status.addresses}}{{if eq .type "ExternalIP"}}{{.address}}, {{end}}{{end}}{{end}}{% raw %}'
- name: Ethereum Deposit Wallet
blockchain_key: eth-testnet
currency_id: eth
address: *wallet address*
kind: deposit
nsig: 1
max_balance: 0.0
status: active
gateway: bitgo # For cryptonode it would be an RPC client, ex. geth
bitgo_test_net: on
bitgo_wallet_id: *wallet id*
bitgo_wallet_passphrase: *wallet passphrase*
bitgo_rest_api_root: http://coinhub-coinhub.*deployment_id*-backend/api/v2
bitgo_rest_api_access_token: *api token*
To use an RPC node follow these steps:
Generate the wallets as listed here
Configure config/environments/*env_name*/wallets.yml
the following way
- name: Ethereum Hot Wallet
blockchain_key: eth-rinkeby
currency_id: eth
address: '0x9999999'
kind: hot
nsig: 1
max_balance: 100.0
status: active
gateway: geth # It can be any other supported RPC client
uri: 'http://node_addr:8545'
secret: 'secret'
All the other Peatio config files are located at config/environments/*env_name*/peatio
- general settings including API CORS configuration, base customization(logo, color etc.), metadata and hostname
You can also configure the timeout for peatio endpoints and /admin tab, to do so change the following block in application.yml
timeout_ms: "10000" # This value is specified in milliseconds
idle_timeout_ms: "500000"
connect_timeout_ms: "4000"
- blockchain configuration for each cryptonode
- cryptocurrency wallet configuration
- configs for initially provisioned cryptocurrencies
- configs for initially provisioned markets/trading pairs
- configs for the Peatio Management API.Documentation for Management API is available here
- a list of Peatio plugins to enable(the respective source code must be bundled into the Docker image for it to work)
To finally deploy Peatio, run:
./bin/opex app install peatio
For a more detailed view on Cryptonodes usage and deployment , check dedicated documentation.
To deploy the custom frontend component, see the instructions for it.
To deploy Tower, check if all the values from config/environments/*env_name*/tower.yml
are correct, the default ones should be valid, then run the deployment script:
./bin/opex app install tower
If you want to do some maintenance on k8s nodes or cryptonodes that you've deployed, you can do so via a bastion node. To be able to ssh to these VM's you have to follow this guide:
1.From your local machine, start ssh-agent with the following command to manage your keys for you:
me@local:~$ eval `ssh-agent`
2.Call ssh-add to load the gcloud compute public keys from your local computer into the agent, and use them for all SSH commands for authentication:
me@local:~$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/google_compute_engine
3.Log into an instance with an external IP(use private IP for k8s nodes) address while supplying the -A argument to enable authentication agent forwarding.
gcloud compute ssh --ssh-flag="-A" INSTANCE
To benchmark your deployment, fill in config/environments/*env_name*/toolbox.yml
with correct values and then simply run ./bin/opex toolbox benchmark
The benchmark report would be saved in config/environments/*env_name*/reports
If you'd like to debug your deployment, feel free to launch the Toolbox console by simply running ./bin/opex toolbox console
This will create a Kubernetes Pod with all the necessary debug tools already installed.
To connect to the pod, run kubectl exec -it toolbox-*id* bash
Store the credentials to login to the registry as kubernetes secret:
kubectl create secret docker-registry regcred --docker-server=<your-registry-server> --docker-username=<your-name> --docker-password=<your-pword> --docker-email=<your-email>
Then configure the components values with the secret name and your private registry:
repository: <your-registry-server>
tag: 1.2.3
pullPolicy: Always
pullSecret: regcred