Vault deployment configuration is located at config/environments/*environment_name*/vault.yml
[Optional] Create a GCS bucket to serve as a Vault backend(should be automatically created by applying the Terraform configuration):
gsustil gsutil mb -p *project_name* gs://*bucket_name*
Bucket names are rendered automatically:
Example for GCP
bucket: "bucket-name" # GCS bucket name
# This path is used inside of the Kubernetes pod to determine the mounted Secret location so you must not change it
credentials_file: "/safe/credentials.json"
Run the Vault installation command:
./bin/opex install vault --env *environment_name*
It will do the following things:
After the successful installation you should run kubectl logs *vault-pod-name*
and copy the unseal keys and the root access token located at the start of the logs into config/environments/*environment_name*/vault.txt
To finalize the Vault deployment, you should follow these steps:
Create a temporary Vault pod to execute commands from:
kubectl run -i --rm --tty vault-init --image=vault --restart=Never - sh
Export the main Vault adress to access it:
export VAULT_ADDR="http://vault-vault"
Run vault init
to initialize the Vault
Unseal the storage by running vault operator unseal *unseal_key*
three times with different unseal keys you have in vault.txt
Authorize using your root access token(from vault.txt
vault login *vault-root-token*
Enable the Vault's TOTP engine
vault secrets enable totp
Do not use the root access tokens in production, you must create a Vault policy to be able to create tokens which only have access to paths/secrets used by Barong(everything from the totp
secrets engine).
First step is to create a policy limiting access only to totp
path "totp/*" {
capabilities = ["create", "read", "update", "delete", "list"]
Save this policy in a file called barong_policy.hcl
inside of the environment and apply it:
vault policy write barong acl.hcl
Test if the policy has been loaded by:
vault policy read barong
Finally, create a token with the policy bound to it:
vault token create -policy=barong -period=30m
Key Value
--- -----
token fdb90d58-af87-024f-fdcd-9f95039e353a
token_accessor 4cd9177c-034b-a004-c62d-54bc56c0e9bd
token_duration 30m
token_renewable true
token_policies [barong]
The resulting token will have a duration of 30 minutes but will be automatically renewed.
The final step is to put the generated token into config/environments/*environment_name*/barong.yml
Example for GCP
enabled: true
adress: "http://vault-vault" # This address is internal to Kubernetes so it shouldn't be changed
token: "vault-barong-token" # Replace with the generated access token
Congratulations, your Vault is now deployed and fully configured!
How to get Vault's root token?
Copy it from the Pod's logs:
kubectl log <vault-pod-name>
How to list all of the Vault policies?
vault policy list
How to get a Vault's Pod name?
Find vault in the list of pods
kubectl get pods