To be able to fully migrate your platform without any data loss, you need to have:
WARNING! Before starting the migration procedure make sure there is no traffic on the platform for at least 15 minutes. It's best to put a maintenance page and start the procedure after approximately 15 minutes.
IMPORTANT! Please cancel all open order on the platform before starting the migration!
Cancel all open orders on the platform
Bring up maintenance page on the platform
Open the deployment files
Fetch the latest kite-opex stable branch module
kite m fetch --version=2-3-stable --env=test
Regenerate vars and update everything needed
kite m vars modules/kite-opex --env=test
Press d
to see the difference and add any missing configuration to your vars.kite-opex.yml file
Render kite-opex
kite m render modules/kite-opex --env=test
Render all the deployment files and only apply the missing or needed configuration.
Deploy every component that had configuration or image changes.