wallet balance (Ethereum / ERC20)?hot
wallet from the Ethereum node?hot
wallet balance (Ethereum / ERC20)?hot
wallet?Private keys can be exported only for wallets which private keys stored on the blockchain node. To export a private key of an account you need to have access to your blockchain node and to know the passphrase for the account you want to export. Export is done in JSON format. You can then save this JSON into a file and import it to Metamask.
1) Curl a Parity node to get the JSON response
curl --data '{"method":"parity_exportAccount","params":["*account address*","*account_password*"],"id":1,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST localhost:8545 | jq -c .result
2) Save the received JSON data to a file.
3) If you need to interact with the extracted wallet, import the saved file to the Metamask.