

  1. Funds (Ethereum or ERC20) from the user deposit wallet does not collect to one of the platform wallets (hot, warm, or cold).
  2. Document upload auth.permission.invalid error.
  1. #Funds (Ethereum or ERC20) from the user deposit wallet does not collect to one of the platform wallets (hot, warm, or cold).

    To investigate the problem, the admin needs to check the status of the deposit on the Etherscan. If the deposit was successfully recorder on the Ethereum blockchain, the admin needs to compare the block height of the platform's node with the block height from the Etherscan. If the platform's node is unsynchronized, it means that the platform can not see new deposits and can't collect existing deposits. In that case, the admin needs to wait the node to synchronize. If the platform's node is fully synchronized and the deposit still not collected it means that something happened with the node during the deposit collection process.

    In case, when the deposit recorded on the Ethereum blockchain and the platform see that deposit but it still is not collected, the admin can manually reinitiate the deposit collection process by pressing Collect or Collect with fee button.

  2. #Document upload auth.permission.invalid error.

    The first thing you should do when the auth.permission.invalid error appear is to check permissions for type of users that you want to have possibility to upload document. Depending on endpoint you are using to upload document permissions may vary.

    Example: - { role: member, verb: all, path: api/v2/barong/resource, action: accept }

    If error is persisting this might be a bug in nginx, to work around it you should add another permission in addition to the previous one.

    Example: - { role: member, verb: all, path: api/v2/resource, action: accept }

    In case you have just redeployed to a newer versions with breaking changes you would want to clear cached permissions from the Barong container with next commands: docker exec -it barong_container_1 bundle exec rails c Rails.cache.delete('permissions')