Code | Description |
jwt.decode_and_verify | Impossible to decode and verify JWT |
record.not_found | Record Not found |
server.internal_error | Internal Server Error |
Code | Description |
account.currency.doesnt_exist | Currency doesn't exist in database |
account.balance.missing_currency | Parameter currency is missing |
account.deposit.missing_currency | Parameter currency is missing |
account.deposit.invalid_state | Deposit state is not valid |
account.deposit.non_integer_limit | Parameter limit should be integer |
account.deposit.invalid_limit | Parameter limit is not valid |
account.deposit.non_positive_page | Parameter page should be positive number |
account.deposit.empty_txid | Parameter txid is empty |
account.withdraw.missing_txid | Parameter txid is missing |
account.deposit.not_permitted | Pass the corresponding verification steps to deposit funds |
account.withdraw.non_integer_limit | Parameter limit should be integer |
account.withdraw.invalid_limit | Parameter limit is not valid |
account.withdraw.non_positive_page | Parameter page should be positive number |
account.withdraw.non_integer_otp | Parameter otp should be integer |
account.withdraw.empty_otp | Parameter otp is empty |
account.withdraw.missing_otp | Parameter otp is missing |
account.withdraw.missing_rid | Parameter rid is missing |
account.withdraw.missing_amount | Parameter amount is missing |
account.withdraw.missing_currency | Parameter currency is missing |
account.withdraw.empty_rid | Parameter rid is empty |
account.withdraw.non_decimal_amount | Parameter amount should be decimal |
account.withdraw.non_positive_amount | Parameter amount should be positive number |
account.withdraw.insufficient_balance | Account balance is insufficient |
account.withdraw.invalid_amount | Parameter amount is not valid |
account.withdraw.create_error | Failed to create withdraw |
account.withdraw.invalid_otp | Parameter otp is not valid |
account.withdraw.disabled_api | Withdrawal API is disabled |
account.withdraw.not_permitted | Pass the corresponding verification steps to withdraw funds |
account.withdraw.too_long_note | Parameter note is too long |
account.deposit_address.invalid_address_format | Invalid parameter for deposit address format |
account.deposit_address.doesnt_support_cash_address_format | Currency doesn't support cash address format |
Code | Description |
market.account.insufficient_balance | Account balance is insufficient | | Market doesn't exist in database or currently disabled/hidden |
market.order.insufficient_market_liquidity | Insufficient market liquidity |
market.order.invalid_volume_or_price | Order volume or price is invalid for selected market |
market.order.create_error | Failed to create order |
market.order.cancel_error | Failed to cancel order |
market.order.market_order_price | Market order doesn't have price |
market.order.invalid_state | Parameter state is not valid |
market.order.invalid_limit | Parameter limit is not valid |
market.order.non_integer_limit | Parameter limit should be integer |
market.order.invalid_order_by | Parameter order_by is not valid |
market.order.invalid_ord_type | Parameter ord_type is not valid |
market.order.invalid_type | Parameter type is not valid |
market.order.invalid_side | Parameter side is not valid |
market.order.missing_market | Parameter market is missing |
market.order.missing_side | Parameter side is missing |
market.order.missing_volume | Parameter volume is missing |
market.order.missing_price | Parameter price is missing |
market.order.missing_id | Parameter id is missing |
market.order.non_decimal_volume | Parameter volume should be decimal |
market.order.non_positive_volume | Parameter volume should be positive number |
market.order.invalid_type | Parameter type is not valid |
market.order.non_decimal_price | Parameter price should be decimal |
market.order.non_positive_price | Parameter price should be positive number |
market.order.non_integer_id | Parameter id should be integer |
market.order.empty_id | Parameter id is empty | | Parameter limit should be integer | | Parameter limit is not valid | | Parameter page is empty | | Parameter time_from should be integer | | Parameter time_from is empty | | Parameter time_to should be integer | | Parameter time_to is empty | | Parameter order_by is not valid | | Pass the corresponding verification steps to enable trading |
Code | Description |
public.currency.doesnt_exist | Currency doesn't exist in database |
public.currency.invalid_type | Currency type is not valid |
public.currency.missing_id | Parameter id is missing | | Parameter market is missing | | Market doesn't exist in database |
public.order_book.non_integer_ask_limit | Parameter ask_limit should be integer |
public.order_book.invalid_ask_limit | Parameter ask_limit is not valid |
public.order_book.non_integer_bid_limit | Parameter bid_limit should be integer |
public.order_book.invalid_bid_limit | Parameter bid_limit is not valid | | Parameter limit is not valid | | Parameter limit should be integer | | Parameter page should be positive number | | Parameter timestamp should be integer | | Parameter order_by is not valid |
public.market_depth.non_integer_limit | Parameter limit should be integer |
public.market_depth.invalid_limit | Parameter limit is not valid |
public.k_line.non_integer_period | Parameter period should be integer |
public.k_line.invalid_period | Parameter period is not valid |
public.k_line.non_integer_time_from | Parameter time_from should be integer |
public.k_line.empty_time_from | Parameter time_from is empty |
public.k_line.non_integer_time_to | Parameter time_to should be integer |
public.k_line.empty_time_to | Parameter time_to is empty |
public.k_line.non_integer_limit | Parameter limit should be integer |
public.k_line.invalid_limit | Parameter limit is not valid |