ruby -e "require 'openssl'; require 'base64'; OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.generate(2048).tap { |p| puts '', 'PRIVATE RSA KEY (URL-safe Base64 encoded, PEM):', '', Base64.urlsafe_encode64(p.to_pem), '', 'PUBLIC RSA KEY (URL-safe Base64 encoded, PEM):', '', Base64.urlsafe_encode64(p.public_key.to_pem) }"
at Barong.You should give the ID to the key and put it in variable called keychain
The variable keychain
in config/management_api_v1.yml
should look like:
algorithm: RS256
The value
is public key from URL-safe Base64 encoded PEM from the first step.
The algorithm
is signature algorithm you prefer.
You can customize JWT verification options using variable jwt
in config/management_api_v1.yml
verify_jti: true
verify_aud: true
exp_leeway: 180
The documentation is available at jwt repository.
The config/management_api_v1.yml
already includes good docs for this step. You can find it at the bottom near variable scopes
The JWT provider can use Ruby Gem jwt-multisig
for generating JWT with multiple signatures.
You should store private keys (ID, value, algorithm) somewhere in your application.
To generate JWS use the JWT::Multisig.generate_jwt(payload, private_keychain, algorithms)
require 'openssl'
require 'jwt-multisig'
payload = {
exp: 1922830281, # Put here all the JWT claims.
data: { foo: 'bar', baz: 'qux' } # Put here all the data your API action expects.
# You can choose what signatures the JWT should include.
private_keychain = {
:'backend-1.mycompany.example' =>'BACKEND_1_PRIVATE_KEY_IN_PEM_FORMAT_BASE64_URLSAFE_ENCODED')),
:'backend-2.mycompany.example' =>'BACKEND_2_PRIVATE_KEY_IN_PEM_FORMAT_BASE64_URLSAFE_ENCODED'))
algorithms = {
:'backend-2.mycompany.example' => 'RS256',
:'backend-.mycompany.example' => 'RS256'
jwt = JWT::Multisig.generate_jwt(payload, private_keychain, algorithms)
Kernel.puts JSON.dump(jwt) # The output will include serialized JWT.
The documentation for this method is available at
The source code for jwt-multisig
is available at GitHub.
The example JWT is available at jwt-multisig source code.
curl -v -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "JWT"
Where JWT
is the result from previous step (serialized JWT).